36 Bramley Gardens, Emsworth, HAMPSHIRE
PO10 8AN
‘A lively and gorgeously printed ‘small’ magazine of work by lovers of France and things French who do and do not reside there.’ Fred Johnston, Director, The Western Writers’ Centre, Galway
'The French Literary review is a smart magazine with a new, unusual spin: high quality prose and poetry written in English, but with a connection to France. There is a satisfying coherence in the magazine because of its consistent link to the country and language, and this, combined with a wide range of styles and approaches make it an exciting and unique publication.' Jacqueline Saphra - Poet, playwright and screenwriter
‘Love of good writing, love of France, the French and all things rustique. That's what you need to run The French Literary Review... that and a sound editorial eye. Issue No. 10, for the most part, celebrates the 2008 Poetry Symposium held at the Château de Queille in the Ariège - a long weekend - a meeting of literary minds. Who is The Lady of Quielle? What do they mean to us now, the Cathars and Baudelaire? Why drink Blanquette when you could have Champagne? Interesting ideas and fine writing. Subscribe, sit back, enjoy.’ Anne Stewart, founder of the poetrypf website
Submission guidelines
We are looking for lively, contemporary poems; short stories; extracts from novels which stand on their own; articles; paintings/drawings/photographs, all of which should have a French connection.
· Stories/articles (maximum 2) of between 1000-2,500 words.
· Poems (up to 3) of no more than 40 lines each.
· Original paintings, drawings or photographs (A4 size maximum)
which either illustrate a poem/story submitted, or are related
to France in some way.
· Submissions must be typewritten on one side of the paper.
. Stories should be single spaced and have good margins.
. Hand-written entries cannot be accepted.
· Please ensure your name, address, telephone number
and email address appear on your MSS.
· We regret we are not able to offer fees for published work.
. We are a non-profit journal which relies on subscriptions.
. Copyright will remain with contributors.
Submission deadlines: 30th June & 29th December
Please send submission to:
French Literary Review, Dordi , 36 Bramley Gardens, Emsworth, Hants, PO10 8AN U.K.
Subscription Form
(Please feel free to photocopy)
Please complete the form below and send it with your cheque to
The French Literary Review, 11 Bath Road, Emsworth, Hants PO10 7EP U.K.
2 issues UK £15 Europe £20 (inc. postage)
4 issues UK £28 Europe £38 (inc postage)
single copies: UK £8 Europe £11 (inc.postage)
Please Note: cheques (Sterling only) should be made payable to: B. Dordi
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