After being persuaded by my French friends to write in French, I am pleased to say that the BDA (BIBLIOTHEQUE DEPARTEMENT DE L'AUDE) bought the first 7 of my books below.
Les joyaux d’Alfred
Ève et la Pomme 8 € ₤6
8 € ₤ 6
The French Literary Review
A twice-yearly review
of poetry and prose.
8 € ₤5.50
Un journal illustré au format A5 qui publie des nouvelles, des articles et des poèmes en français et en anglais ayant un lien avec la France.
All books available from B. Dordi, 11 Bath Road, Emsworth, Hants PO10 7EP
email: Type, under 'Search This Blog', 'Achille Lauge Neo-Impressionist' for Barbara's biography of this Impressionist painter from Cailhau, Aude.