Saturday, December 7, 2024



B. Dordi, Editor, The French Literary Review

36 Bramley Gardens, Emsworth, HAMPSHIRE

PO10 8AN

‘A lively and gorgeously printed ‘small’ magazine of work by lovers of France and things French who do and do not reside there.’ Fred Johnston, Director, The Western Writers’ Centre, Galway

'The French Literary review is a smart magazine with a new, unusual spin: high quality prose and poetry written in English, but with a connection to France. There is a satisfying coherence in the magazine because of its consistent link to the country and language, and this, combined with a wide range of styles and approaches make it an exciting and unique publication.' Jacqueline Saphra - Poet, playwright and screenwriter

‘Love of good writing, love of France, the French and all things rustique. That's what you need to run The French Literary Review... that and a sound editorial eye. Issue No. 10, for the most part, celebrates the 2008 Poetry Symposium held at the Château de Queille in the Ariège - a long weekend - a meeting of literary minds. Who is The Lady of Quielle? What do they mean to us now, the Cathars and Baudelaire? Why drink Blanquette when you could have Champagne? Interesting ideas and fine writing. Subscribe, sit back, enjoy.’ Anne Stewart, founder of the poetrypf website

Recours au Poème
Poèsies et Mondes poétiques
Rédacteur en chef :Matthieu Baumier

Le numéro 18 de la revue britannique (cependant basée en France) The French Literary Review nous parvient avec comme thème « Writing with a french connection ». La revue est dirigée par Barbara Dordi, elle-même poète. On y fait de très belles découvertes, de poètes qui seront bientôt amenés à publier dans les pages de Recours au Poème, d’autres aussi. Ainsi, Marcus Smith, June Blumenson, Margaret Beston ou Violet Dench. Parmi une vingtaine de poètes. Une aventure à saluer, la poésie étant ici une sorte de trait d’union entre la France et le Royaume-Uni, une histoire d’amour et d’amitié entre deux pays. Entre les poètes de ces deux pays. De très beaux textes. On découvrira les poètes de plusieurs numéros de cette revue en suivant le lien ci après :

The French Literary Review
36 Bramley Gardens, Emsworth, Hants PO10 8AN Royaume-Uni


Submission guidelines

We are looking for lively, contemporary poems; short stories; extracts from novels which stand on their own; articles; paintings/drawings/photographs, all of which should have a French connection. 

· Stories/articles (maximum 2) of between 1000-2,500 words. 

· Poems (up to 3) of no more than 40 lines each. 

· Original paintings, drawings or photographs (A4 size maximum)

        which either illustrate a poem/story submitted, or are related 

        to France in some way. 

· Submissions must be typewritten on one side of the paper.                                                     

.       Stories should be single spaced and have good margins.

.       Hand-written entries cannot be accepted. 

· Please ensure your name, address, telephone number 

        and email address appear on  your MSS.  

· We regret we are not able to offer fees for published work. 

. We are a non-profit journal which relies on subscriptions.

. Copyright will remain with contributors.

Submission deadlines: 30th June & 29th December

Please send submission to:

French Literary Review, Dordi , 36 Bramley GardensEmsworth, Hants, PO10 8AN  U.K.

Subscription Form

(Please feel free to photocopy)

Please complete the form below and send it with your cheque to 

The French Literary Review, 11 Bath Road, Emsworth, Hants PO10 7EP   U.K.

2 issues            UK  £15      Europe £20  (inc. postage)     

4 issues            UK  £28     Europe £38  (inc postage)      

single copies:     UK  £8        Europe £11 (inc.postage)     

Please Note: cheques (Sterling only) should be made payable to: B. Dordi


I wish to subscribe to T h e F r e n c h L i t e r a r y R e v i e w 

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Monday, April 9, 2018

Achille Lauge - Neo-Impressionist

Cailhau's first Artist

Cover: Self-portrait in a White Beret by Achille Laugé (about 1895/6)

A 76 page biography featuring colour illustrations of Laugé's work and photographs of the artist and his friends.

With a preface by Laugé's 
great-grandaughter, Anny Laugé


It is with pleasure that I present this book which constitutes an opportunity for our English speaking friends.

The author Barbara Dordi, poet and presenter of writing workshops, and a relatively new inhabitant of Cailhau, was truly moved by the paintings of Achille Laugé during the 2009 exhibitions of his work. 

She began to gather information about the painter from documentation available and patiently  summarized chronologically all that constitues the life and work of my great-grandfather Achille Laugé.

Given the growing number of English speaking newcomers to this area, it is evident that this book will be a very favourable means for them to be better acquainted with the Post-Impressionist painter Achille Laugé.

It is likely that many readers will want to come Cailhau to discover the Achille Laugé circuit where they can enjoy some of the scenery celebrating the Languedocian light that the Master captured so often.

Happy reading, and I thank Barbara Dordi for her work which highlights the work of Achille Laugé.

 Anny Laugé

Copies ₤9.95 or €15 

(including postage)

Available from: 

B. Dordi
11 Bath Road,
PO10 7EP

La Route de Cailhau - Achille Laugé

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Association 'A' Cailhau 2017
President: Mireille Fourmont
Secretary: Barbara Dordi
Treasurer: Christine Daunis

17 Artists

Poetry, Paintings, Sculpture, Ceramics, Glass, Lace, Jewellery, Clothes Design, Photography

A.G.M. January then apéritifs at A'Kotée, Cailhau's Bistro

Elisabeth Oddero, poet. Writes in French

Barbara Dordi, poet and editor. 
Writes in English and French

 Summer exhibition, indoors and out

Cailhau library stocks local artists' work

Monday, January 2, 2017


Barbara écrit, Ruddi peint, dessine et illustre les recueils de poésies de son épouse./Photo DDM
Barbara écrit, Russi peint, dessine et illustre les recueils de poésies de son épouse./Photo DDM

Lors du premier marché de l'Art, qui s'est déroulé dans le village, nous avions rencontré Barbara et Russi Dordi, époux dans la vie, ayant des points communs dans la poésie, la peinture… Elle, est née dans le nord de l'Angleterre, a enseigné la littérature anglaise et entrepris des études de théâtre dans les écoles et universités du Kent avant de prendre sa retraite et se consacrer à sa propre écriture.
En 1995, avec son époux, Russi, ils se promènent sur le Saxon Shoreway et pendant 6 mois, ils organisent des expositions aux galeries de la bibliothèque du Kent pour lancer « Saxons in the Garden », un livre de poésies de Barbara, illustré par Russi. Depuis 1999, elle a édité Equinox, magazine de poésies et depuis, encore, cinq livres tous illustrés par son mari. Elle a obtenu des récompenses pour ses œuvres qui ont été imprimées dans plusieurs journaux et magazines. Elle fait des sculptures en céramique. En 2001, ils ont acheté une maison en France qu'ils ont restaurée. Ils ont vécu à Alaigne et sont maintenant à Cailhau.
Lui, Russi vient de Bombay, Inde, et a émigré en 1955 en Angleterre. Il a enseigné l'art et la poterie dans les écoles et établissements pour adultes. Depuis sa retraite, il peint à plein temps de l'art abstrait, dessine des paysages et/ou formes humaines dues à son inspiration. Ses œuvres destinées à des collections privées, ont été exposées dans le monde entier. Actuellement, elles sont dans la Galery Castle Arts de Canterbury, mais aussi à Whistable et Londres. Il est membre de la Société des Arts du Kent et de la Société. Nationale. Tous deux font des expositions pour lancer « Saxon in the Garden ». En 1999, ils ont gagné des prix adultes peintures et poésies combinées. Le mot de la fin : « Nous créons ensemble de nouvelles œuvres inspirées par notre amour de la France. Nous avons exposé à Mirepoix, Belvèze, Amaign, Peyrefitte… » Un autre point commun : le chant puisqu'ils font partie de la chorale d'Alaigne.

Monday, November 9, 2015


On Saturday 7th November I am launching my new book ‘Achille Laugé Neo-Impressionist’ - a biography of the 19th century Cailhau artist. The book has 20 illustrations in colour and black and white and has a Foreword by the painter’s great-granddaughter Anny Laugé. 

The launch will be held at the Forgerie Gallery in Alaigne between 4pm and 7pm. Refreshments will be served by Lin the gallery curator who has quite a reputation for her hospitality on these occasions.

The gallery is on your left as you enter Alaigne from Limoux - it is attached to the Chambres d’hôtes ‘Chez Dyna’ which you will see after you pass the Mairie. There are many other interesting things for sale in the gallery - a good place to buy Christmas presents and cards at very reasonable prices.

Hoping to see you there,

Best regards,


Thank you to everyone who came to my book launch - it was
a great success. Lin did her usual reorganisation of the gallery
in splendid style. She came up trumps too with the amazing
feast of nibbles, wine, Blanquette etc. Un grand merci à mes amis les cailhautais et cailhautaises qui sont venus !

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Achille Laugé

Neo-Impressionist 1861-1944

Barbara Dordi

A5 paperback 76 pages 20 illustrations 

ISBN 978-0-9536800-5-4

£9.95 or €15.00 (Including Postage) from

B. Dordi

11, Bath Road, 

Emsworth, Hants 

PO10 7EP

In south-west France near  Carcassonne in the Aude, a small village calls itself ‘Cailhau village d’Artistes’. Cailhau’s first artist was Achille Laugé. His Pointillist style paintings and drawings disconcerted the locals in the late 19th/early 20th century. He chose to live his life with his own people, and they as well as the Salons in Paris didn’t accept him.

‘Laugé was a skilled portraitist, able to achieve an almost perfect likeness of any sitter, whether executed in charcoal, pastel or paint….’Achille Astre - The Achille Astre Gallery, Paris. ‘Laugé’s art is emotional sensitivity and controlled reason.’ - Aristide Maillol, Painter and Sculptor. ‘He is a constructer of light’ - Antoine Bourdell - sculptor & painter.‘With only four colours, red, blue, yellow and green, he sang his native country’ - Albert Sarraut - twice prime minister of France.

The friends he studied with at the École des Beaux -Arts in Paris - sculptors Antoine Bourdelle and Aristide Maillol each went on to achieve fame during his lifetime. Laugé’s relative isolation in the Languedoc-Roussillon meant that his work remained largely unknown to most French scholars, critics and collectors of his time.

Now the art world has woken up to the talent of this recluse - his time, as his friend Antoine Bourdelle predicted years ago, has come at last. Today, paintings by Laugé hang in the Musée National d’Art Moderne in Paris alongside Neo-Impressionist works by Seurat and Signac. Laugé’s paintings have found a home not only in musées in France but in collections throughout the world.

Foreword by Anny Laugé - the artist’s great-granddaughter



It is with pleasure that I present this book which constitutes an opportunity for our English speaking friends.

The author Barbara Dordi, poet, editor and presenter of writing workshops, and a new inhabitant of Cailhau, was moved by the paintings of Achille Laugé during the 2009 exhibitions of his work. 

She began to gather information about the painter from documentation available and patiently summarized all that constitutes the life and work of my great-grandfather Achille Laugé.

Given the growing number of English speaking newcomers to this area, it is evident that this book will be a very favourable means for them to be better acquainted with the Impressionist painter Achille Laugé.

It is likely that many readers will want to come to Cailhau to discover the Achille Laugé circuit where they can enjoy some of the scenery celebrating the Languedocian light that the Master captured so often.

I thank Barbara Dordi for her work which highlights the work of Achille Laugé.  Happy reading.

      Anny Laugé

                    Great-granddaughter of Achille Laugé

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

ANTHOLOGY - The Book of Love & Loss

I am very honoured to be included in this wonderful anthology published October 2014. 
The Book of Love and Loss is dedicated to the memory of
U. A. Fanthorpe 1929 - 2009

Foreword by Maureen Lipman

The Gift of Remembering

'An impressive poetry book, this ground-breaking collection makes an original gift. It also provides a useful source-book for the bereaved, and an inspiration for funerals, memorials and anniversaries.'

Edited by R.V. Bailey and June Hall
The Belgrave Press, Bath
7 Belgrave Rd., Bath BA1 6LU
ISBN 978-0-954215-2-0
£12.99 - clothbound hardback 384pp.
50p per copy sold goes to Parkinsons' Research

Nearly 400 new and contemporary poems on celebration and mourning, hope and despair, which will touch the hearts of all.

Less familiar voices are here along with laureates and many well-loved poets, including: Gillian Clarke, Carol Ann Duffy, UA Fanthorpe, Philip Gross, Jackie Kay, Andrew Motion, Mario Petrucci and Penelope Shuttle.